Register for the 2025 challenge here
This is a FREE school challenge.
Join the Australian Virtual Astronaut Challenge!
Choose from several 9-step STEM design sprints based on challenges facing Artemis & the Australian space industry Scenarios
- Earth Observation: Milo Institute – Arizona State University
- Robotics: AROSE Lunar Rover
- Home on the Moon: Aldrin Family Foundation
- Growing Food in Space:
- AI in Space
- Telecommunications in Space
Missions at your own pace
Use the content on this site to deliver the program at your pace. A number of special events will also be made exclusively available to participants (dates tbc). There will also be a celebration event known as the Young Space Explorers held in Sydney Australia.
Mission 1: Introduction
Mission 2: Define the challenge
Mission 3: Identify the challenge
Mission 4: Brainstorm the solution
Mission 5: Design the solution
Mission 6: Prototype creation
Mission 7: Evaluate the design
Mission 8: Iterate your design
Mission 9: Communicate the Pitch
AROSE Roving Around Challenge
Download the AROSE Lunar Challenge mission brief
This challenge emphasises the design of a rover’s mobility on the lunar surface. Your team may wish to consider:
The lunar surface and adhering dust
Wheel design and traction
The lunar environment, temperature, and darkness
Technology considerations related to the harsh lunar environment.
Teams will research and design a solution to one of these challenges and present it in the form of either a 90-second video pitch or poster.
For the AROSE Lunar Rover Challenge, we have two submission opportunities for students.
Students may submit their work and thinking in Semester 1 to receive feedback to refine and develop their pitch or poster for their Semester 2 submission.
The closing dates and details for submission are;
Semester 1
- Friday 28 June 2024 at 11:59pm AEDT;
Semester 1 Submissions for the AROSE Lunar Rover Challenge should be emailed to
Semester 2
- September 23 at 11:59pm AEDT
Ask the AROSE Experts!
Excitingly, AROSE offers students the chance to Ask the Experts!
Students can fill out this online form to ask AROSE questions each month
regarding their research, their ideas, or their design.
All other scenarios
Submission date: September 23 at 11:59pm AEDT
Pitch Date – November date TBC
Young Space Explorers Event
A number of primary & high school teams will be selected to pitch their ideas to renowned space industry representatives and venture capitalists. This will occur in November!
Finalists for the 2023 AVA Challenge
High Schools
- Tara Anglican School for Girls
- Birrong Girls High School
- Catherine McAuley, Westmead
Primary Schools (for the first time in the 3 years of competition!)
- Epping Public School
- Methodist Ladies’ College
Planned Webinars
Throughout the year are special webinars with space industry experts.
Registration is free and proudly supported by AWS in Communities.
Dates for webinars (12pm Sydney time):
- Feb 20 – Introduction
- Mar 20 – Growing Food in Space:
- Apr 10 – Robotics: AROSE Lunar Rover Challenge
- May 22 – Home on the Moon: Aldrin Family Foundation
- June 19 – Earth Observation: Milo Institute – ASU
- July 24 – AI in Space
- Aug 28 – Telecommunications in Space: Optus
- Sept 18 – FAQ’s for submissions
- Sept 26 – Submissions due at 11:59pm AEDT
- Dec 4 – Finalist pitches
Proudly supported by AWS InCommunities
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is committed to making a positive difference around the world. Whether it’s using technology to solve the world’s most pressing issues, or through our employees donating their time to support causes they care about, AWS is dedicated to building a world where every person has the opportunity to live a life of dignity on a healthy planet.
Executive Committee

Dr Scott Sleap CF
STEM Enrichment Coordinator| Curriculum Secondary Learners
NSW Department of Education
Prime Minister’s Prize for Excellence for Secondary Science Teaching
Commonwealth Bank Teaching Fellow

Ben Newsome CF
Churchill Fellow
AMP Tomorrow Maker
UTS Chancellor’s Award for Excellence
Founder of Fizzics Education

Ted Tagami
Past User Advisory Committee – Education Chair at ISS US National Lab
CoFounder of Magnitude
Contact Us
For enquiries regarding partnering with the AVA Challenge, please direct enquires to Ben Newsome

Jim Christensen
Executive Director of ShareSpace Education, the education arm of the Aldrin Family Foundation

Ian Preston

Wendy Bode
Deputy Principal – Global Tropics Future Project
Commonwealth Bank Teaching Fellow
QLD Virtual STEM Academy

Lori Waters
Space Instructor | Analog Astronaut | Astrobotany Researcher

Dr Frazer Thorpe
Plants for Space Education and Engagement Manager
Plants For Space – ARC Centre of Excellence

Dr Lieke van der Hulst
Plants for Space Engagement & Communications Officer
Plants For Space – ARC Centre of Excellence

Tully Mahr
NASA JPL Intern 2023
MILO Mission Academy for Lunar Exploration
Contact Us
For enquiries regarding about the AVA Challenge, please email us below;